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Maui Cyclery » Blog

Winter in Paradise

Winter in Paradise

Ready for winter on Maui? I guess winter is upon the mainland US and Canada now. That’s what I’m hearing. Temperatures are getting colder, which means it's time to get your Maui cycling trip planned. Andrew Talansky and me at Ho'okipa Beach. Hitting the water is...

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10 Spring Training Tips

10 Spring Training Tips

1. Start out in the gym 2.Don't ride to hard too soon 3. Stay hydrated 4. Don't feel bad if you aren't near where you were when you put the bike away last fall 5. Eat 6. Establish a baseline and track your progress. 7. Set a goal 8. Get your rest 9. Ride with friends...

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2017 Cycle To The Sun Registration Is Open

2017 Cycle To The Sun Registration Is Open

Aloha, Registration is open for the 2017 Cycle To The Sun. This years event will take place on Saturday, June 24th. This year promises to be the best event yet with a great group of sponsors, an international field of riders, and the same 36 miles with 10,0023 feet of...

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Spring Bike Maintenance

Spring Bike Maintenance

Maui doesn't really experience the change in seasons that most places do, so riders here rarely have a season that they put their bikes away. That being said everyone needs to maintain their bikes, and spring is a great time to get the major stuff taken care of. If...

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Summer Riding Tips

Summer Riding Tips

Long Days and warm weather are a great combo for making you want to get out and ride more. Here are a few tips to help make sure you have a good ride every time. Hydrate More - Hydration is always important, but even more so when the temps get hotter.  Try to drink...

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How To Measure Your Bike

How To Measure Your Bike

Whether you rent a bike from us or join us on a tour it is our goal to make sure we get you as comfortable of a fit on our bike as you have on your bike at home. In order to do this we ask that you take a few measurements from your bike. With the pedal at the bottom...

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Traveling With SRAM eTap

Traveling With SRAM eTap

Aloha from Maui! Sorry for the long break but it has been a very busy winter at Maui Cyclery., but we are back with a friendly tip for those of you who ride bikes equipped with SRAM eTap. Unless you are one of those who read the instructions cover to cover you may not...

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(808) 579-9009

99 Hana Hwy Paia, HI 96779

Monday-Saturday : 10 AM–5 PM / Sunday : 8 AM–12 PM